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Yo waddup!

Do you prefer tempoyak, belacan or budu?'s hard to find budu here. Let's chill and go with tempoyak instead. Keep the durian leftovers and let it become tempoyak. Still tastes good though - that's how life is, an idea or thoughts left unsaid with words, might be as good as it is interpreted in writings. No sales of tempoyak here...just mere articulation of thoughts, insights and some sharing.


A glance into a bowl of tempoyak...

I'm a guy who enjoys pantai timur dishes. Oghang ganu ni bohhh. (Pelik ganu sorang ni. Kabo ganu, makang poyok yakkk..oghang lain makang budu). Well, just ignore the previous notion, it's quite contradicting, actually.

Living a solo life (mehh...still haven't found the destined one got me a status "Bachelor", no need to pay for that degree...hehehe). Just kidding.

Venturing into a deep interest in gadgets, informal discoveries, fun and amusing tidbits, this site becomes my canvas of splashing thoughts and information I deem worth sharing. This is where I find my escapism and solace in keeping up with my write-ups. 


Disclaimer: Personal Opinions and Ideas

The content provided on Tempoyak Insights is based on the personal opinions and ideas of the author and the views expressed in the articles and write-ups are solely those of the author and are not intended to malign any individual, group, organization, or any entity.

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